team Jesus explained

Team Jesus – What Does That Even Mean? Spoiler Alert: It's far more important than a christian business directory

To be on Team Jesus means being a Christian—that’s the heart of it all. It’s not just a label or a title; it’s about having a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. To be on Team Jesus is to realize that we are all sinners who, if judged by God’s law, would be found guilty. As Romans 3:23 reminds us, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Without Jesus, we deserve judgment—Hell, not Heaven. But the good news is that Jesus, in His love, took the punishment we deserved.

Being on Team Jesus means trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. It means understanding that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). It’s acknowledging that while God is Good, we are not. God is sinless, we are sinful. No matter how you put it, it all boils down to this: We need a Savior, and that Savior is Jesus Christ.

What Team Jesus is NOT About

It’s equally important to clarify what being on Team Jesus does not mean. It doesn’t mean that we’re perfect. We still sin, and we still struggle. Romans 7:15 shows us even the Apostle Paul struggled with sin: “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” Being on Team Jesus doesn’t mean we look down on others who aren’t Christians or act “holier-than-thou.”

We don’t have it all figured out, and we’re not better than anyone else. Christians are forgiven—not perfect. It also doesn’t mean we hate people from other religions or think we’re superior. Team Jesus is about humility, knowing we need God’s grace every day.

The Purpose of the ‘on Team Jesus’ Christian Business Directory

In the case of ‘on Team Jesus’, this Christian Business Directory, it’s essential to understand that this is just a tool. Its primary goal is to support Christian-owned businesses and encourage believers to do the same. We want to make it easy and convenient for Christians to find and support businesses owned by those who are also on Team Jesus.

We’re not here to argue over non-essential issues, but to help build up the body of Christ through practical means. Supporting Christian businesses is just one way we can do that. The directory is great for connecting believers, but the most important thing is being a follower of Jesus. The business directory is just a tool to benefit Christians and Christian business owners.

Being on Team Jesus: Faith Over Everything

Being listed in the ‘on Team Jesus’ directory is helpful for finding Christian businesses, but what matters most is being on Team Jesus in your faith. It’s about recognizing Jesus as your Lord and Savior and walking in faith. It’s about striving to love God and love others as Jesus commanded.

While the directory serves a practical purpose, it reflects something much greater—our shared faith in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, being on Team Jesus means putting your faith first, and everything else follows from that.

Spreading the Word of Jesus

Part of being a Christian is sharing your faith – or the good news about what Jesus Christ did with the lost and dying world. One reason we want Christian businesses to be successful is so they can have more resources to do good in the world and share the Gospel. While this directory is temporarily exclusive to Christians, our ultimate aim is that more people hear the Gospel and join Team Jesus.

Galatians 6:10 reminds us to “do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers,” and this directory reflects that goal. We want to support Christian businesses, but more importantly, we want to see people come to faith in Christ.

With that in mind, here’s a brief lesson about sharing the Gospel: Sin is transgressing God’s law. Lying, stealing, and even lusting are all sins according to God’s perfect standard as outlined in the Ten Commandments. The punishment for sin is death, and hell. However, God is rich in mercy and provided ONE way for our sins to be forgiven – Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. But Jesus didn’t stay dead… God raised Him from the dead, defeating death. And now, if we place our trust in Him (alone) for our salvation, God will forgive us and we’ll get to go to heaven, not because we deserve it, but because Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross, in our place, for our sins.

Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved, except through Jesus Christ.

If you’re looking for a resource to help you learn how to share your faith, we recommend Living Waters with Ray Comfort. Their ministry focuses on using the Ten Commandments to help people understand their need for a Savior. They offer practical, inspiring videos of real-life evangelism, which are excellent for growing in your faith and your ability to share it with others. Check out their YouTube channel for more.

So… who do you know that you want to be on Team Jesus (a Christian)?  Go share the good news of Jesus Christ with them?

Less important… who do you know that belongs ‘on Team Jesus’ (this directory…) – share this directory with them.

Saved By Grace,
~ Brandt
Co-Founder of on Team Jesus

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