christian business win

How 3 Simple Words Brought New Clients to a Christian-Owned Salon

You never know how much of a difference a tiny detail on your website can make. One of our members, Salon Queen Creek, has experienced this firsthand. While chatting with clients in her salon chair, she learned something pretty cool: multiple clients chose her salon because, at the bottom of her website, it said she was “on Team Jesus.” Yep, just that simple phrase helped bring in new customers!

This story is an awesome reminder that when you’re bold about your faith, it resonates with others who are looking to support fellow Christians. A little mention like “on Team Jesus” might seem small, but it’s often the small things that have the biggest impact!

Why Your Website Footer Matters

Your website’s footer is like the closing statement of a speech. Adding a link to our Christian Business Directory in that spot might seem like a minor thing, but it can do wonders for both your business and the community.

Here’s why linking to our directory matters:

  • Shows Who You Are: When people see that you’re “on Team Jesus,” it lets them know where you stand and makes them more likely to support you.
  • Gives Back: Linking to our directory helps build up a network of Christian businesses, making it easier for others to find and support them.
  • Boosts SEO: Connecting your site to ours creates a backlink, signaling to Google that your business is part of a trusted network. This can help your website show up higher in search results. Who doesn’t want that?

What’s SEO and Why Does It Matter?

Not sure what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is? No worries, let’s break it down. When you link your website to reputable sites—like our Christian Business Directory—it tells search engines, “Hey, this site is legit.” That backlink helps your website gain credibility, which can bump it up in Google search results. So, when people look for services or products like yours, they’re more likely to find you!

But guess what? It’s not just a one-way street. The more businesses link back to our directory, the stronger it becomes, and that helps all of us. Think of it like the body of Christ: we’re all working together, and when one part is lifted up, everyone benefits! (What Christian help with SEO?)

Make a Small Change for Big Impact

Adding a link to our directory in your footer is easy and could make a huge difference. Salon Queen Creek’s experience proves that it’s often the little things that matter most. Plus, you’ll be part of something bigger—helping to grow a network that lifts up the Christian business community.

Not on the directory yet? Now’s the perfect time to join! By becoming a member, you’ll connect with other Christian-owned businesses and open new doors for clients to find you. Let’s team up to support each other and make a positive impact in our communities.

Ready to get started? Join On Team Jesus today!

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