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Frequently Asked Questions

on Team Jesus is an online Christian business directory designed to connect Christian consumers with businesses and service providers that share their values.

Listing your business on Team Jesus provides targeted exposure to Christian consumers, helping you build a loyal customer base and aligning your services with your faith.

Listing your business on Team Jesus costs just $19 per month, with a one-time onboarding and verification fee of $49.

At On Team Jesus, we diligently strive to ensure that all members of our Christian business directory align with the faith and values outlined in our ‘Affirmations.’ While we recognize that only God truly knows the heart of every individual, we take every reasonable step to verify that the businesses listed are owned and operated by individuals who share our devotion to Jesus Christ. Our process includes a thorough review of each application against our faith-based criteria, aiming to create a community united in Christian principles and practices.

A wide range of businesses, including tradespeople, professionals, local shops, and service providers, can list on Team Jesus, provided they align with Christian values. Here’s a list of businesses that we think would benefit from being on Team Jesus.

While we strive to be inclusive within our faith, we do reserve the right to thoughtfully curate our listings to ensure a harmonious alignment of values and objectives.

While we strive to create a community of like-minded businesses, legal constraints and the absence of omniscience on our team prevent us from guaranteeing that all businesses listed on our website share the same expression of faith as you do.

What On Team Jesus Is Not

At On Team Jesus, we are committed to creating a space that honors our shared faith and the principles that come with it. However, it’s important to clarify what our platform does not represent or promise.

  • Imperfection Acknowledged: We do not claim that businesses listed on our site are without fault. Perfection is a standard only Christ can hold. While we value the shared faith and the ethical implications it carries, we acknowledge that we cannot discern the hearts or work ethics of individuals. Our platform is about connecting within the Christian faith, not endorsing perfection in business practices.
  • Beyond Business Performance: Our concern is not with the everyday operations that might include human error or misjudgment, such as being late or underestimating a job’s timeline. These are human flaws that we all share and are not grounds for exclusion from our community. We focus on the larger picture of faith-based business conduct.
  • Dispute Resolution: We take concerns seriously and will investigate substantial claims about a business’s conduct that may conflict with our faith-based values. However, we are not an adjudicating body for general customer service issues or minor disputes.
  • Diversity in Profession: Our platform welcomes individuals who may work in secular environments but carry their faith into their professional lives. Whether a real estate agent, a salesperson, or any other profession, if they are a follower of Christ, they have a place with us.
  • Unity Over Uniformity: on Team Jesus is not a place for theological debates over non-essential doctrines. Our mission is to unite in our common faith, not to divide over doctrinal differences that do not pertain to core Christian beliefs.
  • Mission-Driven: Our guiding mission is the application of Galatians 6:10, which encourages us to do good to all, especially those who are of the household of faith. This mission is at the forefront of what we do.
  • Evolving Clarity: We recognize that not all situations can be anticipated from the start. Our guidelines and policies will evolve as we grow, always with the aim of providing clearer expectations and maintaining the integrity of our mission.
  • Inclusivity and Standards: We are intentional about our community’s composition, focusing on those who share our core beliefs. Our belief is that all human beings are valuable because they were made in the image of God.

on Team Jesus is a platform with a purpose, not a pulpit for judgment. We are a business directory, a community, and a mission, but we are not arbiters of perfection. We are facilitators of a faith-driven marketplace, not enforcers of doctrinal conformity. As we grow and learn, we will continue to refine what on Team Jesus represents, always with our eyes fixed on Jesus, who is our perfect example.

Have questions before joining? Check out these answers or contact us.