Christian SEO Company
Remember to tell them you found them ‘on Team Jesus’

About Christian SEO Company

Are you in search of a company that not only excels in boosting your online visibility but also shares your core values of integrity and faith in Jesus Christ? Look no further, because you’ve found a Christian SEO company.

We offer:

  • OnSite and Local SEO
  • Website Development
  • WordPress Management & Hosting
  • Blog Writing & Posting
  • Reputation Management
  • Webmaster Services
We’re aware of the sad truth that 99% of ‘SEO Experts’ give the rest of us a bad reputation.  We’re different, with up-front and transparent pricing, we’ll help your website show up more in Google with a plan that fits your budget.  
We’ve worked closely with hundreds of companies and placed thousands of keywords on the 1st page of Google. We know SEO, but more importantly, we know Jesus.

As a member of on Team Jesus this business affirms the following:

    • The Nature of God: “There is ONE TRUE God, who has eternally existed in three distinct persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.”
    • The Bible: “The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice.”
    • Jesus Christ: “Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, performing many miracles to attest to His divinity.”
    • Salvation and Redemption: “All have sinned and fallen short. Salvation is a free gift from God, attainable not by works but through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, rose again on the third day, and grants us eternal life.”
    • The Authority of Leadership: “No human, including any church leader or religious figure, holds infallible authority over the church of Christ.”

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